Marriage Makeover Weekend Getaway: Equiping a Marriage

The experience of a lifetime that will change your life forever.

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The Weekend Getaway was held for two nights set in 20 acres of landscaped grounds of Alexandra House, Swindon,  it boasts impressive leisure facilities and comfortable rooms. The superb health and leisure club offers an indoor swimming pool, a gym, an all-weather tennis court, a sauna and a steam room. 

The Marriage Makeover has been designed to provide a great opportunity for both married couples and singles to share, reflect on and learn core principles that will renew and change your approach to relationships at every level for greater fulfilment and purposeful living.

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This is the first of IFamNet  Marriage Series which equips couples to live fulfilled happier lives and be a conduit for healthy family safety net for engendering a safe community. The second in the series is The Marriage Enrichment from the short sighted perspective of living for the moment and enable them to envision a marriage for a lifetime, where you begin with the end in mind. The last is The Overflowing Marriage which focuses on equipping the couple to purposefully draw from their marriage fountain through continuous learning and growing to becoming an overflow with impact on other couples and families in the community.  

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The Marriage Makeover intends to arrest the retrogression that sets in either soon after the wedding, or when challenges begin and the individuals slide into coping routines, then repeated cycles produce traditions, and life just becomes a drudge. Stresses of work and life balance build up, and you are squeezed into accepting the abnormal as ?our new normal. You suddenly discover you have limited internal resources to withstand hardship, and so you seek solace from your spouse, who is equally or even more depleted in internal resources, so you fight. Expectations set you up for disappointment. Negative emotions build up, blame, anger, mistrust, insecurity, pain, inadequacy and despair, while depression is knocking on your door step, and you feel you are no longer compatible. Your innovation and creativity are stifled, and progress is stalled. So one feels trapped in circumstances they are not able to wriggle out of. And still life goes on. 

So the Marriage Makeover Weekend was a great opportunity, to give you space to:

  1. Reflect on the kind of person you have become, 
  2. Realise your power to choose and make decisions to rise above your current relationship limitations and challenges, 
  3. Rediscover the original authentic you, and glide into a new freedom for purpose, joy and fulfilment in your relationships. 

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The Marriage Makeover is not about short quick fix cosmetic touches of dos and dont's, but it is a deeply soul searching guided reflection on the kind of person that you are, body, soul and spirit, under the searchlight of the Word of God. You will understand how and why you contribute and impact on your relationships in the way you do, and what you can also do to change. It is as much a journey of self awareness, as much as it is a journey of self mastery and transformation inside out. And best of all, it is based on the unconditional love and grace of God, that transforms the individual into a new creation and gives them a position of spiritual authority to reign in life. The result will be a total transformation of both the individual and the marriage relationship and a purposeful passion to pass on the same experience to other families’ relationships.


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